
July 11, 2011

time flies...

Wow...I can't believe the lack of blogging that I have been up to. I suppose I better get-to-getting! I wanted to share with you some of the pictures that I took while in Chicago attending the National Education Association Representative Assembly. It was my first time in Chicago, so obviously I had to get to the Chicago Institute of Art. It is sure amazing seeing some of the art that I have been looking at in books or on the internet for so long and there they are, the ACTUAL pieces!!! Truly a natural high for me...some of the paintings even brought tears to my eyes. Once again, this only confirms that I am definitely in the right profession.


  1. How wonderful! I was the same way when I went to the Galleries in NYC. You just can't imagine how awesome till to see in person!

  2. You were at NEA RA?? I want to hear about THAT. You should do a blog post about that. I want to know about the discussions had leading up to NEA endorsing Obama this year instead of next.

  3. I lived in Chicago for fourteen years and my favorite place to visit was the Art Institute. These pictures brought back some nice memories.

    Thanks for sharing

  4. Great photos, and wonderful that you can take them at the Art Institute! I like taking photographs of myself getting to visit famous paintings, but it seems more and more that I am being limited in photographing or even sketching in museums. It really is a shame.
