I have always called these blow fish, I guess because their mouths are so large. So simple to make! I give the kids a chunk of clay, cut right off the 25 pound block, and they make a simple pinch pot. Setting the pot on it's side is what creates that large mouth. I demonstrate a variety of tail shapes and of course we go through the big shpeal ( how do you spell that anyways?) of scoring, wetting and wiggling the clay together to make it stay. The eyes come next and the kids are free to add any other embellishments they want, as long as they score, wet and wiggle it together. And wa-la, the hour is over and it's onto the next class waiting at the door to come in...
Washi Tape Art Project for Kids
3 weeks ago
Anonymous | May 28, 2009 at 5:06 AM
Love these! Congrats on your site and I can't wait to see more ideas.
Susan Bivona, Art Teacher | May 30, 2009 at 8:41 PM
I was just at a craft show today and I saw cool little fish -- just like these! I wish I had taken a photo so you could see them! I was thinking they would make a perfect lesson. I also LOVE the colors -- the tempera looks amazing! Yes, those glazes are expensive! Looks like you have a great start here! Looking forward to more good stuff!
Tisha Smith | June 2, 2009 at 8:41 PM
These are the cutest fish EVER!
Wonderful new blog.......thanks for sharing your stuff!
Tisha Smith | July 4, 2010 at 1:15 AM
Thanks again for posting this fun lesson - we enjoyed it! http://artwithmrssmith.blogspot.com/2010/07/clay-funny-fishbloop-blub-blub.html